EXHIBITED – alt.material ‘Community’ Melbourne Design Week 2022
Fingerprints is a moment in time snapshot of a living, vibrant community of craftspeople active in Melbourne. 13 independent makers were involved in the creation of this piece. Each was set a task to create the same simple repeated chip-carved pattern – and yet each created a pattern enlivened by the boldness, delicateness, hesitation, flippancy, impatience, self-doubt, compulsiveness, joy, and all other range of human personality written in the variegated carved strokes of each person.
Ebonised Cherry
Jerome Wielens
Bryan Cush
Chris Tomoya James
Alexsandra Pontonio
Raven Mahon
Dan Barker
Damien Wright
Simeon Dux
Stephen Ziguras
Alex Hamilton
Anton Gerner
Arthur Seigneur
Adam Markowitz
Photography / Mitchell Ransome